Resources for Parents With Children Who Need Extra Help

Special Needs Event Fact Sheet

Help Ensure Your Child is on the Right Track for a Bright Future Click Here

Kid's Essentials

Does your child have difficulty focusing in school? Are they lagging developmentally or struggling with social skills? Does he have ADHD, autism, or any learning disabilities? Are you concerned about a potentially undiagnosed issue? The Bright Horizons Special Needs program, powered by the torchlight online platform, is a unique and free benefit that provides expert information to research, advocate for, and support your child in overcoming these hurdles. Get information via the online resources, webinar series, and expert advising to help you understand and respond to your child's unique, individual needs.  Register online to learn more and start today (Employer Code: acfccares).

Once you're on the Kid's Essentials platform, explore the wide range of information and resources available to support your child in school and beyond. Also, check out the on-demand webinar content, including recent sessions on Autism, Early Intervention, Sensory Integration, and more.

To see all of our 2022 free webinars, please visit:

Bright Horizons

Explore all of the Bright Horizons programs available to you. Click here

Register Now. Avoid Stress Later.

Get started with Bright Horizons today:
Or call: 877-BH-CARES
You will need your 10 Digit Enterprise to register. You can find this on your profile on Verizon's eWeb.